Wednesday 20 April 2011

Ag! Sies Man!

No drains! Open toilets!
Raw sewrage flows in an an open!
The stench filling the atmosphere!
The smell of urinecreating nauseating feeling .
There is no storm water drain, water is disposed nilly willy!
Flies of all colours and sizes gleefuly dance all over celbrating the feast from faeces to the food;
And spread the deadly maladies from all the kisses on everything they touch
Ag! Sies Man! What kind of life is that?

Don’t you have shame!
Where is your dignity?
You always make promises and you fulfill none!
When you have what you want
You go the other way and look the other way!
You treat people like their nuisance,
When they turn to you to deliver on your promises
You even use violence to instill fear!
Ag! Sies Man! What kind of person are you?

People have no shelter; they are crammed in shacks, as there is no space to built more rooms
There is hardly privacy as children share the rooms with their children;
The dignity is compromised as children see everything their parents do in the dark of the night!
This is why the children do not have respect and shame to engage on actions that lead tyo pregnancy and STDS!
Ag! Sies Man! What type of family life are we promoting?
When do you think all these will end?
How long do you think everyone will tolerate your mischief and lies?
How long are you going to take people for granted?
How long do you think everything will last?
Why do you think everybody will remain gullible forever?
You are very foolish, you are naïve!
You are not as smart as you think you are!
You leave your dung in the spring from which you also drink!
Ag! Sies Man! You do not have integrity!

Copyrigth Reserved

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