Wednesday 20 April 2011

Ag! Sies Man!

No drains! Open toilets!
Raw sewrage flows in an an open!
The stench filling the atmosphere!
The smell of urinecreating nauseating feeling .
There is no storm water drain, water is disposed nilly willy!
Flies of all colours and sizes gleefuly dance all over celbrating the feast from faeces to the food;
And spread the deadly maladies from all the kisses on everything they touch
Ag! Sies Man! What kind of life is that?

Don’t you have shame!
Where is your dignity?
You always make promises and you fulfill none!
When you have what you want
You go the other way and look the other way!
You treat people like their nuisance,
When they turn to you to deliver on your promises
You even use violence to instill fear!
Ag! Sies Man! What kind of person are you?

People have no shelter; they are crammed in shacks, as there is no space to built more rooms
There is hardly privacy as children share the rooms with their children;
The dignity is compromised as children see everything their parents do in the dark of the night!
This is why the children do not have respect and shame to engage on actions that lead tyo pregnancy and STDS!
Ag! Sies Man! What type of family life are we promoting?
When do you think all these will end?
How long do you think everyone will tolerate your mischief and lies?
How long are you going to take people for granted?
How long do you think everything will last?
Why do you think everybody will remain gullible forever?
You are very foolish, you are naïve!
You are not as smart as you think you are!
You leave your dung in the spring from which you also drink!
Ag! Sies Man! You do not have integrity!

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Tetelestai! Tetelestai!

On the cross the negative was reversed to positive!
The evil was replaced by righteousness.
Death was replaced by life.
The curse was blotted out by the blessings!
The lost were found!
... It only took two words as was the custom of Christ to repeat powerful words. Tetelestai! Tetelestai!
It is finished it is finished! It is done; what could not be done!

The demands of the law have been paid by the law of the Spirit.
All condemned are now acquited.
All darkness was replaced by light!
The blood has not fallen down in vain,
But has brought out purity from the corruptible, and life from the dead!

Tetelestai! Tetelestai!
We are no more victims but victors
No more lossers but winners!
No more tails but heads!
No more condemnation but covered by God's mercy and grace!
Because nothing shall separate us from the tender embrace of the love of Christ our Lord!
No height; nor depth, no principalities, nor powers!.....
No sufferings! No persecutions or loss of beloved ones!
No divorces! no orphanhood!
No hunger no thirst!
No death or wealth!
Shall be able to seprate us from the love of Christ Jesus our Lord!
Nothing shall seperate us from the love of Christ!
Hence, Tetelestai, Tetelestai!

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Whatever it is do not lose it!

You have made my day!
You talked to me;
Your inner being shone what you are inside;
You smiled genuinely;
And your voice resonated the melody of joy from your heart;
I looked at your countenance and I caught the shining light from your eyes;
I was glad I came through today;
Because my day ended in a climax of tranquility;

You have made my day!
I do not know what drives you;
I do not know what made you who you are;
I do not know what became of you that day;
I do not know what was going on in your mind;
Whatever it was and whatever it is, do not lose it;
Capitalise on it and let it continuously be your motto and inspiration;
It makes you a great person you are!

Do not lose it; do not lose it to anything that is flashed before your eyes!
Do not lose it to any smooth utterings of sweet nothings!
Do not lose it, lest you lose your soul to the dogs!
Do not lose to the fleeting moments of folly!
Beware; there are others interested to spoil and destroy what you have;
To destroy that Spirit that is behind what you are!
Whatever it is do not lose it! 

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We will create a better life for ourselves!

Don’t talk to me like you are the voice of reason
Yet, you are the antithesis of reason
You stand on the podiums
Reciting the history of the struggle
Which you claim you also taught in it to give us better life
For the struggle has ended
For us the struggle has commenced against you.
Because you are the hindrance to our progress
You want us to sacrifice as our ancestors and parents did
Like during the Langa and Sharpville day
Like during the Soweto youth uprising of June, 16, 1976
Like during consumer boycots, azikhwela in the 80’s and 90’ and rolling mass action.
You want us to remember history that has changed South Africa
You are actually happy that it is over
Because you live comfortably and has elevated yourself above everyone
Now, you accumulate wealth at the expense of the suffering masses
 You justify your created status and applaud poverty
You insult UBUNTU and its values
You continuously cash in on the poverty and misery of the masses
And you think we should
We will not rest ‘till we create a better life for ourselves

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What a terrible thing?

Oh; what a terrible thing that a human being can do to another!
Oh! Look at mince meat sprawling on the floor;
Who has done this?
What have they done this?
Why did they do this?
How can they do this?
What is left are pieces of flesh mingled and scattered all over?
And the walls decorated by graffiti of splattered blood.
The bomb has done its damage;
Brain sprayed all over the walls and roof of the garage;
Eyes are over ther, the nose on the other side;
Teeth smilling and scattred all over, and the skull shattered to pieces;
The smell of death hovered all over leaving an impact of a nauseating sight to behold!
What a horrid mess and terrible end that remained;
After the evil works from the evil system?
Its all over, what a terrible thing that a human being could do to another!
What a terrible sight, what a terrible thing……………!

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This is what life is all about!

There is joy, unspeakable and glorious, share it today!
There is peace to be made every moment with yourself and everybody;
Have peace that passeth all understanding today!
There is patience patiently waiting, to keep you calm;
Through the hectic travels of life, have patience reach out for it!
There is love, amazing, that remains,
Despite all disappointments;
Love that never gives up and remains unconditional
Live the love today!
There is faith that is a substance of things hoped for and not yet tangible,
Gain it today!
Walk not by sight, nor by touch, nor taste, nor feelings that will change in a moment,
Walk on faith, through faith and by faith today!
Look at yourself in the mirror today,
Smile at the beautiful person you see!
Fill the inner person with positive words of life; and
They will reflect your attitude today!
Tis the little things that we take for granted;
The radiant smiles we show and the kind words we utter,
That leaves a savoury taste in the mouth;
For everyone who ingests our fragrant gestures of love and positive inspiration;
That sweetens the hearts full of bitterness;
And melts the cancerous feelings of nothingness and helplessness!
This is the purpose of life,
Share it with everyone and make a difference today!   
This is what life is all about!

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The Man I Deserve!

The man that I deserve is not a god;
But a descent human being;
One that loves me not abuses me;
One that respects me not undermines me;
One that treats me the ay I want to be treated not the way he thinks I should be treated;
One that I can trust with my own life;
One that I can look into his eyes, and feel proud;
One that will not shame me but approve me;
One that will not desert but will share life with me;
One that will cover me and not expose him to shame;
One who will not hurt my feelings;
Such is the man of my dreams;
The man that I deserve;
That is the man that I would like to share my life with!

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